JJFS Seminar for Referees and Trainers
On Sunday 8th of February 2004, SBC and SHinbukan Dojo instructors, who are all at the same time members of Ju-Jutsu Federation of Serbia, have gathered in Novi Sad, for a seminar on judging under the rules of Ju-Jutsu International Federation. Head instructor of this seminar was Shinbukan Dojo shihan, Dr. Zdravkovic Ivica, president of Referees Commission of JJFS. All the participants of the seminar have expressed a great interest and enthusiasm in learning the numerous rules and commands of Fighting System of JJIF. It is concluded that several longest active and highest ranked sensei of SBC/JJFS will be able to run the Fighting System matches very soon, providing fair judging and safe conditions for all competitors. Next seminar for trainers and referees/judges will be held in March this year, only a few weeks before major JJFS "Panther Cup 2004" in Sabac.
All participants of the seminar.
Instruction by Zdravkovic sensei
Zdravkovic and Alimpic sensei in sparrig, observed bu future referees. In the back center: Slavko Sekulic sensei, head of Jujutsu Club "Tao" from Novi Sad
Special guest of the seminar, Simeon Stojceski sensei from Macedonia, demonstrating Duo System o JJIF
Aleksandar Alimpic and Goran Jaksic sensei (General secretary of JJFS) in experimental sparring
Drasko Jankovic, Slobodan Saric, Ivica Zdravkovic (all from Shinbukan Dojo Pozarevac) and Aleksandar Alimpic (JJ Club "Bezbednost" Sremska Mitrovica)